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Conversations that resolve conflicts

Some conflict is inevitable but unresolved tensions, simmering resentments, and toxic disputes don’t have to be the soundtrack to your workplace. At Savvy Conversations, we believe in tackling conflict before it derails relationships, teams, and productivity.

We offer both Savvy Mediation & Conflict Coaching to help individuals and teams navigate tricky dynamics and restore trust to move forward stronger and more aligned than before.

♬ People are people, so why should it be, you and I should get along so awfully? ♬

Depeche Mode

Savvy Mediation

Workplace mediation brings in a neutral third party (that’s us!) to help conflicting individuals reach a mutually beneficial resolution. We create a safe space where grievances can be aired, misunderstandings explored, and solutions found before things spiral further.

Left unchecked, workplace conflict can:
  • Escalate into entrenched disputes
  • Cost you time, energy, and money
  • Damage relationships beyond repair
An early intervention helps keep professional relationships intact and ensures your workplace remains productive, collaborative, and professional.
At Savvy Conversations, we take a practical and pragmatic approach to conflict resolution known as “Mediation with Recommendations”. Unlike traditional mediation, where mediators remain purely facilitative, we bring strategic guidance and direction to the process which our clients tell us is super-helpful. This results-driven approach is highly effective in reaching meaningful and lasting resolutions.

Savvy Mediation is for you if you’re looking for:
  • Safe, confidential, and structured conversations
  • Expert guidance towards practical, actionable solutions
  • Formal recommendations where that’s appropriate

Conflict Coaching

In our extensive experience, not all conflicts are suitable for mediation. Sometimes, what’s needed is one-to-one coaching to help individuals manage tricky workplace relationships, regulate emotions, and handle difficult conversations with confidence.

Depending on the circumstances, a smarter way to manage tensions could be our conflict coaching sessions. These provide:
  • Personalised, empowering strategies for navigating challenging situations
  • Tools & techniques to strengthen emotional intelligence and resilience
  • Actionable steps to improve interactions and defuse tensions proactively

Have you got a conflict that needs resolving? Let’s start the conversation.

Whether you’re dealing with a difficult colleague, a high-stakes workplace issue, or an ongoing clash of personalities, conflict coaching can help you take back control and turn things around for the better.

Ultimately, mediation and conflict coaching are about having the right conversations, in the right way, at the right time.

Start the Conversation

At Savvy Conversations we work with you to transform the way you work, lead, and connect, one savvy conversation at a time. Because when communication works, everything works. 

Let’s start the conversation.
Savvy Sarah

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